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Adobe Flash Player will be for iPhone?

Friday, November 21, 2008

In a press release adobe has announced to launch, “...Adobe® Flash® Player 10 and Adobe AIR™ for ARM Powered® devices...” for windows mobile device. On this occasion Gary Kovacs said who is the general manager and vice president for Mobile and Devices at Adobe, “Video created for the Adobe Flash Player is the leading video format on the web today, and this collaboration with ARM is another important step towards bringing the complete web experience to mobile devices worldwide. We are pleased to work with ARM and the other industry leaders in the Open Screen Project, to make browsing and applications as rich and powerful in mobile as they are on the desktop.”

Further in the Press Release it announced that the Flash Player 10 will launch for, “mobile graphics and video capabilities on ARM platforms and to bring rich Internet applications and Web services to mobile devices and consumer electronics worldwide.”

It is expected to launch till second half of 2009. The Adobe Flash will be for iPhone or not is undecided because iPhone already has rejected mini opera operating system for iPhone which support Flash. Now, we have to see what will happen with iPhone. It will be without Adobe Flash or with Flash?


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